Executive Product Director at JPMChase

Creative Process

My Creative Process + Creative Output + Continual Digital Education

As my career has progressed, I've become a die-hard advocate for research-based design. If it doesn't convert, it doesn't matter how pretty it is. Beyond this fundamental shift in my process - which is by far the most lucrative-beneficial service I can provide to any client - I have over a decade creating and doing the following (which is typical standard for any designer or CD): wireframes, low and high-fidelity mock-ups, workable prototypes in InvisionApp, vetting out and leading Dev. teams, producing tech. decks, setting up Creative Departments (staffing, training, resource management, budgeting) and a host of other experiences - all while mastering a good portion of the Adobe Creative Suite.

In this slideshow, I'll walk you through a little of my process.  Make sure to hover over each image for more explanation.

Physical Branded Collateral + Digital Marketing Pieces + Exclusive Packaging

Over ten years of Art Direction OR conceptualizing, mocking-up, researching and implementing branded design myself. I also have a huge love for Photo Styling. Please see examples of my styling work here.